How to Prepare for your Salt Room Session
How to Prepare for your Salt Room Session
Please arrive at least 5-10 minutes before your scheduled Salt Room Session start time to ensure adequate time to get checked in, use the restroom, and grab a drink before we close the door and begin the Halo-generator. The Salt Room Session seats up to 4 people comfortably with maintaining plenty of distance. This is NOT a private session and you may have others in the same room with you and we must start the session on time. If you are more than 10 minutes late and we have already started the Halo-generator, you WILL NOT be allowed to enter the room and will be charged a service credit for the session.
Please remember to enter The Salt Center quietly and make sure to silence your devices (NO RING & NO VIBRATION). The Salt Room is for quiet sessions and we ask guests to speak softly while enjoying their session.
Limit the amount of personal items you bring in and dress comfortably with clothing that allows you to relax and won't worry about getting a little light dusting of salt on (which can be easily brushed off).
Bring a book or headphones to enjoy while during your session. Or you may decide to nap with one of our cozy blankets.
You may choose to do some light breathing, meditation, or stretching during your session.